Frequently Asked Questions

If any of your questions aren’t answered below, please don’t hesitate to email! We’re here to make sure everyone has a great experience, and that starts with knowing all about what you can expect.

  • Event policies are found here, and ALL participants are required to know the policies on:

    • Consent

    • Camping

    • Leave No Trace

    • Media

    If you are volunteering with Rendezvous for media or bringing a dog or drone, you must also understand the policies on:

    • Media Volunteers

    • Dogs

    • Drones

  • We suggest arriving early and pay close attention to all signage.

    If this is your first time camping at Rendezvous, we highly recommend that you arrive during the day. Unless you know the lay of the land, you might have a difficult time finding a place to set up at night.

    Please check-in at Camp Central. All attendees will be given a wristband to indicate they have paid for admission. If registration wasn’t completed online, you can still pay for attendance at the event. Cash and all major credit cards are accepted.

    • Do not deface the forest or litter the area in any way, temporarily or permanently, including going off road mud bogging. We are permitted usage of this US Forestry land because we take care of it. The Rendezvous committee provides dumpsters for trash; please use them.

    • No fireworks or firearms. The US Forest Service prohibits fireworks and bans the use of firearms.

    • Do not pick flowers. It is a federal offense to pick flowers.

    • Maximum speed limit is 10 miles per hour. This is for the safety of all in the Rendezvous area.

    • Motorized vehicles: Please keep vehicles within 100 feet of existing signed and numbered roads, if the vehicles are not causing resource damage. It is not acceptable to drive to the campsite to unload gear if that campsite is more than 100 feet away from the road.

    • All ATVs must have a current Wyoming ORV sticker AND can only be operated on designated forest service roads.

    • No illegal drugs allowed (we operate a zero tolerance policy). Marijuana is not legal in Wyoming.

    • Do not provide alcohol to persons under age 21!

    • Quiet hour rules for all zones: No talking above a whisper, no engines (vehicles or generators), no barking dogs, no music, gatherings or parties.

    • Quiet Zone - quiet hours 11:00pm - 7:00am

    • Semi Quiet Zone - quiet hours 12:00 Midnight - 7:00am

    • Party Zone - quiet hours 1:00am - 7:00am

    • All pets must be on a leash, in your arms, or under strict control at all times anywhere in the forestry area. Please clean up after your pets immediately.

    • If you bring horses, PLEASE set up your camp in the area(s) designated on the map and keep them secured at your camp.

  • Yes!

    Showers are available for use, for a small cost.

    Port-a-potties will be distributed throughout the event.

  • There is no drinkable-water source at Rendezvous, so be sure to purchase several jugs/gallons of water. Bottled water will also be for sale.

    Free potable water is available at the Lincoln Monument rest stop. You will have to provide your own jug or containers.

  • Please DO NOT dump your RV in the port-a-potties.

    DO NOT dump your RV on the ground.

    Sanitation vendor may offer to pump you black tank for an additional charge when they are servicing site. If you need to dump your RV, please let us know at the registration tent.

    Nearest dump stations:

    Laramie: Wyoming Territorial Prison Historic Site

    Cheyenne: Cheyenne Welcome Center, Southbound

  • All pets must be on a leash, in your arms, or under strict control at all times anywhere in the forest area.

    Proof of current rabies vaccination should be provided to staff at time of check-in. please have proof handy when you go to the registration tent.

    If you bring horses, PLEASE set up your camp in the area(s) designated on the map and keep them secured at your camp.

    Please keep your dog from barking continuously throughout the day, and especially at night. Please clean up after your pets immediately.

  • Many essential need products such as toiletries, first aid, clothing and frequently forgotten items can be purchased from our camp store located in the registration tent.

    In the event we do not have what you need; there is a Walmart in Laramie and another in Cheyenne. There is also a gas station at exit 323 off of I-80, about 15 miles from the Rendezvous Campsite.

  • No, this camping event is in the national forest. So, sites are unimproved, but unlimited space is available for campers. You can find numerous areas with fire rings; people usually set up their camps next to those. The campsite is divided into quiet areas and party zones. So please choose accordingly. We usually have between 400 and 550 campers every year.

  • Absolutely!

    Straight friends and allies attend every year. The event is open to the general public (18+) and we have a non-discrimination policy. Everyone from everywhere is welcome to attend!

  • Cell phone service is spotty in the area. If you need to make a call, most campers make a trip to higher ground to get a good cell signal.

  • Camp is at ca. 8,000 ft and the temperatures at night can get down in the 30’s. Daytime temps can get into the 90’s. Average temperatures are in the mid 70’s and makes for a pleasant camping experience. Be prepared for both warm and cold temperatures.

    Thunderstorms in the afternoon are common this time of year. Wind is ever present in Wyoming. So setting up a tent in an open area isn’t advisable, unless you have larger than normal tent spikes to hold everything down.

    If you are setting up an ez-up style shade structure, please weigh it down or ratchet-strap it to sturdy anchors so it does not fly away.

    Make sure to check weather forecasts!

  • Here is a comprehensive list of items that you should/can bring.

  • We have ice available for purchase at the main camp for $5 per bag.

  • Yes. North Crow Reservoir and Curt Gowdy State Park Lake are nearby, but not within walking distance. They are both several miles away, but accessible.

  • We will have a minimum of one person at the event who is trained in emergency first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. This individual may not be there overnight. They will have a basic first aid kit sufficient to meet the needs of any likely injuries. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for all at Rendezvous, but we cannot make any guarantees in this regard.

    Please have a basic first aid kit in your car, but contact staff with anything seriou