Featured Queer Artist

Rihanna Kelver is a 26-year-old trans indigenous woman. Born in Littleton, Colorado, but raised in Laramie, Wyoming, Rihanna is an established member of the Laramie Community. Since her time at Laramie High School, she was enthralled with Community and Culture. An activist, artist, herbalist, historian, and astronomer, Rihanna always finds passion in what she is doing. Ever since she was a child, she was deeply in love with the cosmos around us and curious of our place in the Universe. In 2023, she turned that passion into art with her Astrophotography. Her mission and goal in her photography is to bring the experience of the cosmos back to our 21st century world and remind us of our humble place in a glorious universe.

“My astrophotography is a true extension of my spirit and its relationship with the universe around us. When I take pictures of Deep Sky Objects, delicately process them, and edit them, I feel akin to the moments of our creation. This beautiful universe around us is so accessible and available for viewership. Since I was a child, my grandfather always taught me to keep looking up to the cosmos. He bought me my first telescope when I was a child and I never looked back down. I believe there is something for everyone up there to experience awe and to be brought to a humble state of mind. After all, we are all just the universe experiencing itself. I believe Carl Sagan said it best, “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” With my astrophotography, my only wish, my only drive, and my only passion is to bring that beauty within the universe to my community. All so that they may see the beauty within themselves.”

Moon’s Astrophotography by “Astro Lady”




Moon’s Astrophotography (Astro Lady)




My Colleagues Are Afraid